'Multilevel Local, Nation- and Regionwide Education and Training in Climate Services, Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation – ClimEd',
15.11.2020 – 14.11.2023
Project goals and objectives
Wider objective of the project is development of competency-based curricula for continuous comprehensive training of specialists in the field of climate services (CS) in Ukraine, as well as the initiation and development of additional education in climate change (CC) for decision-makers, experts in climate-dependent economic sectors (CDES) and the general public.
Objective 1
Development of competency-based concepts on professional education in the field of climate services and additional education for experts in climate-dependent economic sectors
Objective 2
Development of teaching and methodological materials, elaboration of distance and blended learning courses in order to form methodological support for the continuous and comprehensive training of specialists in the field of climate services
Objective 3
Development of blended learning courses in the field of climate change and adaptation to it for decision-makers, as well as massive open online courses in the same area for experts in climate-dependent economic sectors
Objective 4
Development of massive open online courses in the field of climate change and adaptation to it for the broad masses of the population
The Project in numbers
Why ClimEd?
The key conclusion of the report of the IPCC (2018), devoted to the climate change being immense and extremely hazardous for the safe existence of mankind, is that ‘achieving the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5C is possible,’ but would require a lightning-fast and substantial transitions in the entire socio-economic system, as well as support by the wider public.
In UA, owing to inconsistency with present-day requirements of the international labour market and insufficient promotion of reforms, climate services are underdeveloped in the Hydrometeorological Service divisions: the Hydrometeorological Service personnel do not have required competencies to provide climate services, and close interaction with climate-dependent sectors, public bodies & municipal services has not been established, which, in turn, results in the challenges for representatives of all these organizations as regards awareness of the climate change impacts on sustainable development of the society, the economic benefits of climate information; this leads to destabilization of socio-economic situation and the country's greater vulnerability to climate change.
These challenges condition the structure and stages of the project development and are aimed at establishment of climate services in UA through a full-scale build-up of work on organization of climate education. This, with close cooperation with the specialized UA HEIs and the support on part of the leading EU partners, will help build a multi-level educational system in climate services to meet the international standards and respond promptly and efficiently to demands of the labour market. Development of this system will rely on a competency-based approach, being one of the most effective approaches in training.
In order to optimize target audience coverage, ensure continual knowledge exchange, initiate new academic opportunities and improve functioning of the institutions providing climate services, a research-and-education e-platform with a branched system of DL courses to cover all the training cycles and target groups and tools for conducting studies in climatology and climate change will be deployed.
Online learning recommendations
Get startedLatest news
ClimEd 1st Online Training
ClimEd 2nd Online Training
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Important Links
Svyatoslav Tyuryakov, Project Manager
- University of Helsinki, Finland
- Phone: +358 29 5392049
- Email: svyatoslav.tyuryakov@fmi.fi